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Support MVIF

The mission of MVIF is to advance the field of microbiome research by providing a more convenient, accessible, and globally inclusive platform for the dissemination of high-quality research and scientific networking.

We are a community-driven and non-profit project, and we need your help to make our community of microbiome enthusiasts grow!


MVIF runs on its own funds, donations by non-commercial partners, and sponsorships, not to mention the time and skills donated by our volunteers. However, MVIF is a community-driven forum and we would like it to be as independent as possible. That’s why we are asking the community for support!


You can make a donation to MVIF by using your credit card via Paypal

Donate with PayPal


We have a crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe: You can donate, share the campaign with your network, or both!

Our crowdfunding campaign con GoFundMe


You can make a donation to MVIF by using your credit card via Stripe

Donate with Stripe

Donate by bank transfer


IBAN: IT44J0801620800000041428795BIC


Bank Name Cassa Rurale Altogarda - Rovereto - Italy

Please specify “Donation” as reason for the transfer. Your donation may be tax-deductible according to your country’s fiscal rules for donations made to non-profits and charities.

Participate and Share

Let others know about MVIF! Share your enthusiasm for MVIF with your colleagues and friends by inviting them to follow us on X, BlueSky, or to subscribe to our YouTube channel and newsletter (we only send program announcements and info regarding the upcoming event!)

Join the MVIF Organizing Committee. We are always looking for new members to help MVIF grow, especially early career scientists!

Contact us to join the committee!


MVIF is a non-profit organization registered in Italy registered in the Province of Trento, Italy on Feb. 20, 2023 with ref. no. 2023-D337-00082. Official legal name: “Associazione Microbiome Virtual International Forum - APS”. Tax-ID: 94049260220.

Transparency & Compliance